Welcome to Jennifer’s Positivity Page!

Jennifer is a member of St. Ultan’s Care Board and also works as an Outreach worker in Cherry Orchard. Check in here for Jennifer’s videos that promote a positive outlook on life in these unsettling times.


Day 8: 01-04-2020

Day 7: 31-03-2020

In today’s video, Jen calabrates one full week of positivity videos. She also encourages us not to think about why this is happening, but instead to think about how you are going to get through the situation.

She also makes some smart suggestions about how to sanitize around your house.

Day 6: 30-03-20

Day 5: 29-03-2020

In today’s update, Jen does a comprehensive recap of all the ideas she’s talked about in her videos so far. She then talks about how she is trying to manage her relationships with others during this unusual time. She gives the great advice “Respond…..Don’t React”….no matter how stressed you are :-)


Day 4: 28-03-2020

In today’s update, Jennifer talks about how breathing can help reduce anxiety. She also provides some valuable contact details if you would like to have fruit, veg and other groceries delivered to your door instead of leaving the house (6264822/ 0858038814). She finishes with some valuable advice on how to maintain healthy sleep routines.


Day 3: 27-03-2020

In today’s update, Jen tells us about some of the daily challenges she (and everyone) may have to face when they wake up in the morning. She then goes on to talk about some positive ideas about how to stay connected to families and friends during this crazy time. She finishes with some recommendations for free online resources.

Day 2: 26-03-2020

In today’s update, Jennifer gives some practical advice to get through these unusual times. She suggests starting a journal to record things you’re thankful for, as well as the things you’re looking forward to doing when Covid 19 is no longer a problem. She also has some suggestions about how you might plan your shopping to ensure your family get the right nutrition at this time and reminds us all to keep drinking water :-) .